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What Motivates Us@MINZOET?

When Lead Photographer Minna comes to me with an idea or vision, I know her well enough to know

there is no getting in her way. The best descision I can make is to simply facilitate this vision by helping to make it possible.

Motivation is about what 'drives' us as Artists.

Minna is driven by an insatiable desire to create and celebrate beauty. Her vision for the Floral Glass House Sessions arrived in a flash of inspiration. She had seen something she loved and wanted desperately to put it together and make it happen. Her imagination had been triggered by a Garden Wall she saw at her local Real Estate Agent. She saw something similar at a Florist in Broadway. She INSISTED I drive past the Real Estate and have a look. (I saw a jungle, on a wall) Minna saw something else. The style of the direct overhead shot has always been a favorite with her, especially in order to highlight a beautiful head of hair. Suddenly she needed to place her subject amongst the foliage.

And so our search for foliage has begun!

I love the desperation and need of an Artist to experiement with an idea before they invest any further. Minna's need for a test shot came apon her on a Friday afternoon after purchasing some test flowers. She promptly grabbed her beautiful cousin Aurora (current Muse) and went rumaging through her closet to find something BLUE. She ordered her around with hair brushing and red lipstick. She grabbed her Aunts DSLR that rarely gets a workout and began shooting.

She was happy with the rushed result and the Floral Glass House Sessions were born.

Now to source all the beautiful florals!

Her Aunts respond to the test sot above; "I can't believe my camera took that picture!" Uummmm......

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